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Monday, August 1, 2011



From 2 to 10,000+ Engineers over 50 years of Independence: The Impact, Challenges and Future Prospects.”

Download application form at

Don't miss!!!


The Engineers Registration Board (ERB) is pleased to inform the engineering community and the general public that the 9th Annual Engineers Day (AED 2011) will be held on Thursday and Friday, September 5 to 7, 2011. The AED 2011 will take place at Mlimani City Conference Centre, Dar es Salaam.

The Major activities of AED 2011 shall include:

  • Discussions on 50 years of Independence; the Impact, Challenges and Future prospects of Engineering;
  • Exhibitions;
  • Awarding distinguished engineers and best graduating engineering students from local engineering institutions.

The theme of discussion will be: “From 2 to 10,000+ Engineers over 50 years of Independence: The Impact, Challenges and Future Prospects.”

Various distinguished engineers have been invited to present papers – taking into account that during independence in 1961 the country had only 2 engineers but while celebrating 50th independence anniversary Tanzania has over 10,000 engineers now.

The focus of discussion will be on the following Sectors of Engineering:
  1. Construction; 
  2. Manufacturing;
  3. Energy;
  4. Transport
  5. Agricultural;
  6.  Communication Technologies and
  7.  Mining.
This is therefore to invite all engineers and the general public to participate to this event. Since the sub-themes cut across all engineering fields, the Board wishes to enlist participation of most engineers in this year’s AED.

All professional engineers who will attend this event will have an added advantage of scoring 16 Professional Development Units (PDUs) in their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme.

Confirmation of participation is through payment of a registration fee of Tshs. 200,000/= per participant. The deadline for confirmation is August 30, 2011. Those who register after this date will pay Tshs. 220,000/= per participant.

The exhibitions will be staged alongside the 9th AED 2011 and will include both technical/engineering and commercial exhibitions as well as engineering services.

The AED is certainly a rare opportunity for engineers from all fields of engineering practice to interact and share their engineering experiences. Hence, the Board wishes to invite engineering organisations and Firms, institutions and traders/vendors to make use of this opportunity to exhibit their engineering services and products. The potential benefits to the exhibitors include:
  • Opportunity to publicise and market their products/services to a wide engineering community;
  • Sharing experience with professionals and authorities;
  • Better understanding of the needs and requirements of the market; and
  • Establishment of business contacts and creation of awareness of available engineering support services

    Registration forms can be obtained from ERB offices or downloaded from the website www.erb.go.tz

    For more information please contact:-

    The Registrar,
    Engineers Registration Board
    P.O. BOX 14942,
    Tel: 2122836
    Fax: 2115373